Title: The Invoice Inquiry

[The scene opens in a small cozy office. A frazzled accountant, Sarah, is frantically stacking piles of invoices on her desk.]

Sarah: (muttering to herself) "I can't seem to find the missing invoices anywhere. This is a disaster!"

[Suddenly, her colleague, Alex, enters the room with a confident smile.]

Alex: "Hey Sarah, what's going on? You look stressed."

Sarah: "I can't locate some important invoices for the audit. It's a total mess."

Alex: "Have you tried using the new invoice verification system we just implemented?"

Sarah: "No, what's that?"

[Alex pulls out his smartphone and opens an invoice verification app. He scans one of the invoices lying on Sarah's desk.]

Alex: "See, all you have to do is scan the QR code on the invoice using this app. It will immediately tell you if the invoice is authentic or not."

Sarah: (surprised) "Wow, that's amazing! I had no idea such a tool existed."

[Alex continues scanning the invoices, and one by one, they are validated as authentic.]

Alex: "And there you go, all the invoices are accounted for. Crisis averted!"

Sarah: (relieved) "Thank you so much, Alex! You just saved the day."

[Alex smiles and the two colleagues share a laugh as the camera fades to black.]

[The end.]


